Eat out to hook up – the COVID-19 hooking up policy

The UK government led by Boris Johnson this month instituted a scheme called eat out to help out. This was in direct response to the COVID-19 pandemic, also known as the coronavirus pandemic. For months now the UK has been in a form of lockdown. To begin with, most people were being asked to stay in their homes. That shifted to certain people being asked to shield by staying home, and the rest of us being asked to only mingle within “bubbles” and to socially distance at all times. This has led to a huge drought when it came to meeting a member of the opposite (or same-sex) for adult dating. No strings attached relationships have been on the growth in the UK and with good reason, they bring a lot of health and happiness to people’s lives. Adult dating has become more and more acceptable as time has gone on, and people of a wide range of ages have begun to do it, from the young to the old! No adult is ever of an age that they cannot enjoy sex! However, the lockdown did cause a huge problem with the people of Britain’s ability to hook up.
The issues with ‘Lock Down’
The overall regime of lock caused havoc in the hospitality industry. Due to the need for social distancing, all of it got shut down. The pubs were empty, the restaurants with not a soul in them. The night clubs were as bare as midday on a Sunday. This had a huge knock-on effect for people looking to hook up. All the usual haunts and venues that one would go to were no longer open. The local pubs, clubs and music venues really did resemble the ‘Ghost Town’ described in the anthem of the same name by The Specials. Things needed to change.
Eat out to hook up
Then things relaxed, the bars and pubs started to open up. People were still hesitant to start to go out for two reasons: there were still concerns about catching the coronavirus and they had become used to staying in. We are creatures of habits as humans, and habits are hard to break whether we want them or not! Then the 'eat out to help out' scheme was released. Suddenly you could get a tenner off your meal, and we Brits love a good bargain! It made us go back outside, back inside the restaurants and eateries. Now we are more used to it, we will all do it more and this means that it is back on! If you want to hook up now is the time! Everyone is starved of physical contact and is looking for sex. Whether just a one night stand or a fuck buddy for more regular meetups, now is a great time to hook up… and the best part, you can get a tenner off the cost of the whole thing!
So if you are looking to hook up, get yourself out there. Now is a perfect time.